Hello and happy fall!
As we welcome students returning from summer break, students are often faced with a number of uncertainties… Will they like their new teachers? Will the workload feel manageable? What time is football practice? How will they connect with new classmates, adjust to new routines, or handle homework for the first time?
Given these questions and more, the anxiety we all feel is completely understandable. Rather than giving children content-based answers full of reassurance, we want to think bigger: How can I teach this child to manage as she steps into unfamiliar territory? How can I help them develop a process of thinking that helps them problem solve and thus feel more equipped?
If it’s a simple question, like “What time does dance class end?” then go ahead and answer. But if you hear worry talking, (“Will I like my new dance teacher?” or “What if I can’t learn the new steps?”) then help the child learn to tolerate not knowing, and prime them for the problem-solving that’s on the way. (“I can hear you’re worried about that. I wonder how you’ll handle it?”) Coach them when needed and work together to help them problem-solve. In doing so, you are giving your child a critical skill, not just an answer. Normalizing the unpredictable parts of life supports children’s ability to think flexibly and feel confident when faced with uncertainty.
(Adapted from “How to Calm Anxiety in Kids,” by Lynn Lyons, LCSW)
As always, please reach out to us anytime with any questions or concerns you have.
We can also be reached by calling the main office phone 207-846-2499.
Thank you!