With the upcoming holiday season quickly approaching, we would like to focus on the stress that can often accompany this time. While the holidays can bring up feelings of excitement and happiness, sometimes the expectations we place upon ourselves and our children during this time can be overwhelming. What can you do?
Discuss the expectations and be realistic - Think about the expectations you have for each event you attend, and then think about what the expectations are for your children. Reflect on where you and your kids are at this year and be realistic about how much you can handle during this season. It's ok to say no to certain holiday events that might feel like too much.
Model self-care and self-regulation - Stress happens, especially during the holiday season, but we can be thoughtful in how we manage it and take care of ourselves. According to the Child Mind Institute, “Self-regulation is a set of skills that enables children, as they mature, to direct their behavior towards a goal, despite the unpredictability of the world and their own emotions.” By modeling our own self-regulation, you can help your kids feel more centered.
Connect with what matters most to your family - Think about the values for your family and how you would like these to be communicated and emphasized. What is this holiday season about for your family? How can you work meaningful conversations and activities into the events that you do say yes to?
Plan in some downtime - Be intentional about planning downtime, time to organize, rest, and reset at various points throughout the holiday season. Not every moment has to be jam-packed full of activities. Teaching and modeling rest can be a great way to create a culture of self-care and balance in your home.
As always please reach out any time with any questions or concerns you may have.
Catherine Nein-School Counselor - catherine_nein@yarmouthschools.org
Chelsea Collupy-Social Worker - chelsea_collupy@yarmouthschools.org
Samantha Durham-Social Worker - samantha_durham@yarmouthschools.org